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20 Things You Need To Know About Wall Mount Electric Fireplaces

 Wall Mount Electric Fireplaces Wall mount electric fireplaces can provide an inviting and warm ambiance to your home without the hassle of ash cleaning the chimney, purchasing, stacking and hauling coal or firewood. They are more secure than traditional fireplaces and do not block the floor or make people fall as they walk. Size If you are a fan of the appearance of a traditional fireplace but don't have space for a large chimney and hearth, a wall mount electric fireplace offers a stylish alternative. They can save space on the floor because they can be mounted on flat surfaces. They can be used all year long by plugging into an electrical outlet. The majority of models have an electronic remote control that allows for simple switch-off and on. Some models also have decorative embers and a flame display that's quite realistic. You can find these models in a wide range of sizes and designs. The majority of electric fireplaces mounted on walls are slim. However there are plenty of linear options which stretch across the length of the wall. They are ideal for rooms with low-ceilings, and they can create a warm focal point that isn't a big deal. Electric fireplaces can be installed on flat walls, much like a wood fireplace. These types of fireplaces come in a range of frame colors, from black and contemporary stainless steel, to stunning mirrored glass. Pick a frame color that is in harmony with your walls or furnishings. Some models also include flat screen televisions to create a complete entertainment unit. Many people opt to put their TVs above their electric fireplace. This is a good option, but be aware of the necessary clearance between the TV and the electric fireplace. The majority of clearance guidelines recommend keeping all combustibles at least three feet away from the fireplace. Some of these units are designed to be recessed into walls to allow for a custom-fit. This type of fireplace might not have the same amount of heat like a straight-front wall mount but is ideal for a bespoke installation. There are also electric fireplaces that are designed to be mounted on walls and hung from the ceiling. They are perfect for commercial spaces such as hotel lobbies or restaurants. Many of these models have different settings for heat output that you can adjust depending on the time of year. Some models can be turned off for year-round use without sacrificing the attractive flame effect. fireplace electric wall mount come with a heating setting that only warms up the surrounding area. These features are ideal for homes with children or pets since the fireplace does not produce any heat and is safe to touch. Flame Effects Electric fireplaces typically have different flame effects designed to resemble real fire. These features are usually coupled with LED backgrounds to give an appearance that is more realistic and is easy to blend into various interior decor styles. Many models also allow you to change the intensity and color of the flame according to your mood or the ambience of the room. Another option for flame effects is to use a chemical effect that simulates the behavior of a natural gas flame. These units use the use of a chemical fluid that is heated by an element inside the unit to produce the fire. The problem with these types of units is that they can be messy and require an extensive amount of maintenance. A different option to chemical flames is the plasma blaze effect, which is made up of small particles that flicker and glow to mimic the appearance of real fire. The issue with this kind of simulated flame is that it can look too fake and could not be as appealing visually as other options. For those who prefer a more natural looking flame There are wall-mounted electric fireplaces that come with realistic log sets and a realistic-looking holographic flame projection to create a very life-like appearance. These units typically have an rust or wood finish that works well with traditional interior design. They can be positioned in a recess for a more customized look that can blend with a variety wall designs. The size of your space and your personal preferences will determine the type of model you pick. You should select an extra large model for larger spaces to ensure it fills the space but not make it appear empty. If you're installing the fireplace in a smaller area smaller or mini-sized models is a better choice. There is also an array of frames and surrounds for these electric fireplaces that will match your design. The Ambiance AL45CLX2-G electric wall fireplace comes in various finishes that include stainless steel, black metal and regular black glass. It can be mounted in the majority of 2x4 walls. Ventilation Wall-mounted electric fireplaces can provide an abundance of style and function without the difficulty of installing an actual fireplace. There is no need to engage an electrician, or worry about the flow of gas through your home. However, there are a few things to be aware of when selecting a wall-mounted electric fireplace. One of the main differences between freestanding and wall-mounted fireplaces is the way they vent. Most wall-mounted units don't have a vent at the back. This is because the majority of the heat escapes out of the top of the fireplace. If the fireplace isn't equipped with sufficient venting, it could cause a fire risk. It is important to read reviews prior to purchasing a unit. Flame effects are another major distinction between wall mounted and freestanding fireplaces. Freestanding fireplaces come with LED screens and rotisserie lights wall-mounted models utilize mist or other advanced technology to create smoke and flames. Dimplex is a prime example. has a line of fireplaces that uses ultrasonic technology to create the illusion of a fire. Some wall-mounted electric fire places can be recessed partially into the wall. This lets them fit into tight spaces where traditional fireplaces cannot. This also helps them blend into a wide variety of interior styles. Some electric wall-mounted fire places feature multi-view, whereas others are only front-view. They are typically a bigger than the single-view versions and permit you to view the flames from multiple sides of the room. Installation Wall mount electric fireplaces, as the name suggests are designed to be installed on the wall. They are usually mounted using brackets. The installation process varies between models, but is generally simple. Some are simply attached to the wall and screwed in and others will require you to construct an enclosure around them prior to placing them on the wall. In either case, be sure to follow the guidelines included with the fire. Be sure that the opening size of the frame is correct and position the unit in accordance with any safety guidelines. The first step is find a location that is suitable for your fireplace. Consider the design of the room as well as any existing furniture. It is also important to ensure whether the location is close enough to a power outlet, or if you are willing to let an electrician move the plug socket (if one is already in place) for you. Prepare the space once you've decided on a suitable location for the fireplace by clearing the area, taking away furniture and making the walls. This could include the removal of any wallpaper or other decorations as well as making sure you mark any studs with a Studfinder. The brackets that are used for wall-mounted electric fireplaces come with a template for drilling holes. You can use this template to mark the position on the wall where they'll be mounted. After you've marked the locations on the wall and drilled the holes. Then install the rawl plugs. As a rule the heater, which sits in the middle of the fireplace and produces heat, must be at least 400mm from any combustible material like fabric. After drilling the holes, you will have to attach the bracket to the wall. Some models require that you install the firebox onto the bracket, while other models will ask you to mount the fireplace on the bracket prior to attaching the screen. In any case, it's essential that you follow the installation instructions exactly so you don't damage your new appliance. Once the fireplace is installed plug it in and test it to make sure it's working properly.

fireplace electric wall mount